fragile army transport bag




boot camp

battle reports


world tour

Elysian 99th

The finest recruits; discipline enforced by the most ruthless of the commissariat; the finest equipment the Adeptus Mechanicus can muster - meet the Aquarian Guard!

It was the height of the Eye of Terror,  I was in Thirsk in North Yorkshire, walking down the street and mulling on the performance of the Crinan IVth and the general chaos in the Scarus Sector, when I saw a hairdressers on the mainstreet called Aquarian.  The name stuck with me: and as I walked along it occured to me that this was the name of an IG army.  Not a SAFH, and nothing like the Crinan IVth, but an elite army.  I had a picture in my head of dark grey uniforms and disciplined lines of fire.  And then I thought storm troopers....

The Kasrkin had just come out and an idea started to coalese: grey uniforms; lots of tanks - in fact something similar to the look of the Epic Steel Legion.  An idea of tactics started to emerge as well, something truly different to the Crinan fact a mechanised Storm trooper list, thier tanks and plasma guns smashing their way through the Warhammer universe....

Doctrines of the Aquarian Guard

  • Allow Commissars

  • Allow Storm Troopers

  • Grenadiers

  • Carapace

  • Iron Discipline





Three variations on a single figure... 






The IG's finest; plasma toting troopers







more about me