fragile army transport bag




boot camp

battle reports


world tour

Harly Two: The Tumbler

I want to get some guys really looking like acrobats, and tried to get some real movement into this figure.





Stage one

I cut the legs from the base, and filed the cut down so it looked smooth.




Stage two

Clippers cut smooth on one side and diagonal on the other. If you hold the clippers as in the picture above, you'll have the triangular side on the cloth, which will give you some of the curve you want on the bottom of the cloth. This is easily filed down to look right.



Stage Three

To get the movement, I had to bend the legs: I used GW pliers - which you have to be careful with, so as not to damage the figure - I use a bit of figure foam to protect the model





Stage Four

I clipped off the top of the legs, taking off the socket bobble, and also the top of the groin, Ouch! Before and after shots below.







Stage Four

I drilled a hole and with some green stuff filling in the hole, I poistioned him in a suitably tumbling position and left the green stuff to dry. (I'm not worried about getting a smooth look on the greenstuff yet - will add another layer when all set.)




Stage Four: left to dry





Stage Five

I straightened out a paperclip with the GW pliers, and put some cork in the middle of the base.




Stage Four

It looks like this:




Stage Four

The end of the paperclip was bent over and glued, and greenstuffed in place as here.




Stage Four

I drilled a hole in the back of the harly, and glued him in place.